Classes for parents and children aged birth to five.
Epic Connection is a summer program for middle school students. It is a place for students to build a “life resume” by building friendships, building community connections, building knowledge, and building student leadership.
F.L.I.G.H.T. will provide students with a wide variety of enrichment clubs, academic support, leadership opportunities and culturally affirming clubs.
A Four Star Parent Aware rated preschool providing a safe learning environment that strengthens social-emotional, physical, and cognitive development for children ages 3(as of Sept 1st 2025)
Adults with Disabilities Program
Macrons are beautiful and so fun to make! Learn some simple tricks to make the process easy. You will make three different kinds. You will bake, assemble and decorate one recipe as well as decorate and assemble the other two. A supply fee of $13 per student will be payable to the instructor in class. Please bring containers, dishcloths, and towels. Nancy Burgeson
For Classes at Skyview
Park in the south lot and enter through door 6, signs indicate Activities Entrance.
Nancy Burgeson, a skilled and knowledgeable instructor, has 45 years experience baking and teaching. She is periodically featured on Twin Cities Live, KSTP Channel 5, and has won numerous awards at county and state fairs. She has also been inducted into the Wilton Enterprises Teacher Hall of Fame.
Past students have shared: Nancy is an excellent teacher, great class and high quality food items, very organized and prepared, shares a lot of good information, loved the class and will tell others to enroll, really glad I registered, will take more classes from Nancy, good cost and location, have seen Nancy on TV and was excited to take a class from her, great price and time, liked the option that we could purchase supplies if we desired, love this instructor, most informative class I have taken, absolutely wonderful class, Nancy is great.
Nancy Burgeson
Full - waiting list