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  • Open Swim

    Bring your family and friends for an afternoon of fun in the new John Glenn Pool! Open swim allows swimmers of all ages to practice newly learned skills, exercise or just play and have fun! $5 per person $15 per immediate family Select the rate from the drop-down menu during registration. **When selecting the family rate, select one name only. Do not select multiple people. You will be asked to enter the names of the swimmers during the registration process. Children ages 6 and under must be accompanied by an adult chaperone in the water. Some children over age 6 may require an adult chaperone in the water if the lifeguard deems it necessary. Children ages 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult in the pool area. Bleacher seating is available. An admission fee applies to anyone who goes in the water. There is no fee for chaperones to sit in the bleachers.